According to article 20 (2) i, the Local Assembly shall meet at least twice in a semester. The purpose of conveying these meetings is to fulfill a constitutional mandate as enshrined in the 2014/2015 SRC constitution, specifically, in article 7 (2) i which makes reference to article 7 clause 1.

In reference to article 7 clause 1 where the Local Assembly derives its functions and powers from, the members are mandated to deliberate and approve all matters relating to the welfare of students.

To deliberate as extracted from the Wiktionary is to carefully consider the probable consequences of a step; to be well advised and so on. Analytically, you can carefully consider a particular situation when you're abreast with the required details or necessary information. However, more than 70% of this current Local Assembly appears to have limited knowledge of the constitution. Amazingly, such people stress on trivial issues ignoring the weighty matters.

It is understood that you cannot teach someone who is unwilling to learn. Some of these members in making reference to the constitution have to state the pages because they've not been trained to recognise the constitution as written in articles. Some of these people have not even seen an SRC constitution before let alone read a single article. They keep asking their colleagues during meetings if they brought an SRC constitution -- a display of unprofessionalism and a sign of unpreparedness.

It is high time various departments and associations held their representatives accountable for the allowances they receive during the Local Assembly Meetings and for volunteering to serve them.

I agree with the section of students who believe that this current SRC administration has done a greater job as compared to some previous administrations. Notwithstanding, a well informed and more vibrant Local Assembly will greatly consider the welfare and interest of the student body and not for their personal gains.

It is clear that the only time some L. A members have genuine concerns is when it is in relation to the increase of their allowances. These selfish people tend to fight other L. A members who have the interest of the ordinary student at heart. Why then do we spend time and resources to organize Local Assembly Meetings.

I suggest that a workshop or seminar should be organized for all L. A Members to avoid any wastage of time and resources and to ensure fruitful contributions during such meetings. L. A members can do better. You're always a slave in the area of life where you've no or limited knowledge. Let's overcome our ignorance by opening up to new knowledge.

It is possible!

The Possible Agenda
We stand for Libération

Source: Loudinuew.

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