Awareness of Depression and Anxiety - Face of North Campus'19

When life hit you with a kind of wave you never thought could happen, you start to look around and notice things that was always in front of you.

I Gabriella Mackay Face of North campus 2019 chose Awareness of Depression and Anxiety as my project because, I realized it was something that was always around human which is dangerous but not taken seriously, so I decided to help educate the youth especially because these two issues in Ghana and in African countries seem to think it is as a result of witchcraft or supernatural happenings and with that we fail to address it the way it should be.

We lose more youth these days and we do not understand nor know the cause of it...youth are more glued to their phones and in their rooms avoiding each other and they do not sometimes know why.

So I am using this platform to help all of us know what depression and anxiety is, the extent it can affect our lives and how we can deal with it if we find ourselves or loved ones in those situation.

Source : Loudinuew

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